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The Prophecy Page 7
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Page 7
Said Aurora rolling her eyes and placing her hands back on her hips. All four guys said, “Me.” At the same time. Wide-eyed Aurora breathed deeply in shock.
“WHAT! Umm... Is that normal in your world or culture?” Whispered Aurora. All four shook their heads no, tongue-tied. After all, they had all grown up hearing stories about Aurora and her four mates that in every life were tasked with keeping her alive and helping her learn their Norse ways. They clearly knew who she was when they agreed to help Eli find her, but none of them had realized or fathomed they would be chosen by the gods to be her mates in this life. Heck, if legends where true, this could mean they were her mates in past lives too. Deacon broke the silence as he stepped forward.
“I’m sorry I dropped you. Your right; I was totally being a dick because you rejected me after that kiss.” Aurora deciding to give him a hard time first before forgiving him said.
“Ah, now your apologizing. Now that you have found out, I’m your mate. Real smooth dude.” Said Aurora as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“Please forgive me; it was a horrible fucked-up thing to do. And as I said, I was sure you would be okay and not come to harm.”
“Your still Deacon, the dick. But you're forgiven for now.” A slight sassy grin on her face made Deacon smile back. She decided to forgive but not forget that had become her motto over the years in order to survive.
“Okay, so where are we going from here?” asked Aurora. Karis stepping forward gave her a side hug and pointed at the archway ahead. Loki climbed up onto his dirty blond hair, annoyed with Karis for leaning over to a lower height. Aurora laughed at the bird hoping for Karis’s sake that he didn’t decide to poop.
“We go through the tunnel where it will lead us to the rainbow bridge that leads into the city of Asgard. Our ancestors used to have to walk it decades ago. But since then, technology on earth and in Asgard has improved by leaps and bounds. I think we should surprise her with what lay ahead what do you think guys?” Asked Karis as he reached up to pull Loki off his head. They all nodded, agreeing, and started walking forward. More torches sat in sconces in the walls.
“What type of fire is that? It looks different and not like anything I have ever seen.” inquired Aurora as she pointed to the torches on the wall.” Eli happy to contribute something to the conversation explained.
“They are a type of Fae light, a long time ago the Gods made a deal with the Fae, that if they helped give us Fae light, then they would always be able to seek refuge in Asgard. Fenrir and his army have taken over the Fae realm, and so for many Fae, it is not safe to live there any longer. Fae light burns indefinitely and lights up space far better than fire.” Aurora looked at him uncertainly.
“You mean Fae as in like fairies?” Nodding, Eli explained further.
“Yes, although they are not exactly like what humans tend to think they are. Fairies have two groups within their species when a fairy is born; they are blessed with dark or light magic. Dark belong to their own sect, and as the name implies, they are a more negative energy type Fae. And Light fairies are more positive energy and healing type Fae. For centuries they kept to their own.” Beyond amazed now, she didn’t know what to expect.
Chapter four: Asgard Shadows
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize when Karis stopped in front of her until she walked right into his hardback. “Oops, sorry.” She whispered. “We are here. Come here and take a look.” Said Karis as he smiled, warmly at her, and took her hand into his. Walking around Karis’s giant frame, she gasped. “A roller coaster! Really? Who thought to install this?” babbled Aurora questioningly. The roller coaster was shiny metal with eight seats. Upholstered in blue and white fabric of some sort with a rune design inlaid in the center of the backrest.
"Well, like I explained before, our ancestors used to have to walk the rainbow bridge. I guess since some fell off the rainbow bridge and never were heard from again, they thought to improve it. Asgard and Midgard have both come a long way in the technology department. It is only a small roller coaster, as you can see, it only seats eight at any one time.” Explained Karis as he smiled down at her. Deacon stepping forward jumped into the first one and sat back as the rune on the back of the seat lit up with a bright white light emanating from it. White light shone through the white vines as they grew out wrapping themselves around his chest, legs, and arms. Eyes wide with surprise, Aurora stammered. “Did that rune just grow magical white vines, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?” Patting the seat, Deacon looked up at Aurora and said.
“Yes, it’s called a belt of essence: It’s a gift from the elven people in exchange for refuge in Asgard. Come sit with me in the front, you will be able to see all the other realms as we go.” Letting go of Karis’s hand, she jumped into the roller coaster and watched in awe as bright white vines secured her to the seat firmly. She loved roller coasters. In one of her foster homes, she used to sneak out and go ride one at the fair late at night. Eli and Karis jumped into the seats behind them, and Teagan took the back seats with Loki fluttering onto the seat next to him. Loki sat in the seat next to Teagan, and the rune lit up, vines came out encasing the raven firmly to the seat as he squawked. The bird glared at Teagan, his beady eye blinking rapidly as Teagan laughed.
“Hey, guys to bad, our peace and silence will soon be over.” Joked Teagan as he poked jokes at Loki. The guys chuckled. The roller coaster jerked forward and smoothly started rolling up the track blue mist swirled around the sides of the coaster as it rolled. Aurora sat back in her seat, grasping Deacon's hand tightly. Just ten feet in front of them, the dark cavern ended, and the track went out of the mouth of the cavern. Slowly they gained some speed as they coasted out and down then steeply up the rainbow bridge. Unlike the roller coasters on earth that looped and turned, this one was in the shape of a rainbow arch. Looking down over the edge, Aurora was floored at the vibrant colors. A great big tree bigger than any she had ever seen before, stood with deep roots zigzagging here and there looping in and around each other at the base. Seven balls that looked like planets sat on the end of different roots around the base of the tree. Deacon pointing to her left spoke up
“That blue realm there is called Alfheim; it is the home of the light elves. The one just below that one is Vanaheim, the home of the Vanir. And just below that one is Jotunheim, it is the realm of the giants. Center below the serpent entwining the tree is Niflheim that blue and white color is ice, fog, and mist. On the right side, that red realm is Helheim; it was the home of the goddess Hel before she was killed in the war. When she managed it, it was a place for the dead that had done horrible things to go. But since the demons have taken over her realm, it has been used to torture souls.” Aurora felt like her head was going to explode, so much to take in and learn. Feeling like she should start singing. It’s not a small world, after all, putting a whole new spin on the song. Knowing the guys wouldn’t get the reference, she kept her little quirky thought to herself as she continued listening to Deacon's point and explain.
“The one above that looks brownish as if its full of mountain and rock is Nidavellir, the home of the dwarves. Many areas of all these realms have been overtaken by the demons, giants, and sects that side with Fenrir. So, most species have taken up living in Asgard, where it’s safer for their families.” Pointing once again towards the far right of the bottom of the gigantic tree. A sound from the back of the roller coaster made everyone turn in their seats.
“Fff... Fff…Finally, I can talk again! Instead of cawing like a feather-brained pussy!” Yelled Loki. All the guys laughed. Aurora stared at the raven with her mouth hanging open.
“The raven can talk!?” Asked Aurora in shock.
“This raven can hear you. I have a name. Yes, of course, I can talk. Just not in Midgard, thanks to a witch a few centuries ago who I decided to piss off.” Said Loki. Not looking ashamed in the slightest for anything he might have done in the past to make someone want to curse him.
“Polly w
ant a cracker?” teased Teagan laughingly.
“Teagan wants to keep his balls. Maybe you should shove that cracker up your ass where the sun doesn’t shine dragon.” Responded Loki. Holy crap, the raven can speak, and he has a foul mouth thought Aurora in shock as she secretly hoped she hadn’t gone truly crazy. Going so far as to pinch herself and check, she found it hurt. Maybe not crazy, she thought.
“Who does the mouthy raven belong too?” inquired Aurora next. Every eye turned to stare at her as they all answered at once.
“You!” “ME!” squeaked Aurora taken aback.
“Yup, you're stuck to me like shit on glue. I’m your familiar gifted to you by Loki himself. That egotistical bastard Loki named me after himself. Said I reminded him of himself.” Everyone bust out laughing because they all knew how mischievous Loki the raven could be. Teagan was laughing so hard he had tears building up in the corner of his eyes. Deacon catching his breath after laughing so hard once again pointed over the side of the roller coaster.
“That bright orange realm is called Muspellheim; it is the home of the fire giants and demons. Few ever go there and return. The middle one we are going past now is Midgard. Above us high up, you can see the bottom of Asgard.” Tilting her head sharply up, Aurora could see a big mass of land with water all around it, then more land circling the water. I wonder if this is what it would be like to travel under the sea inside a glass box, thought Aurora.
“Finally, we are almost home! I need to stretch my feathers and got in the birdbath.” Commented Loki from the back of the coaster. Steeply going up the incline now, more of the world tree came into sight. When they crested the top of the rainbow bridge and started going downwards towards Asgard, Aurora sucked in a breath in awe. Millions of glowing leaves on trillions of green vines hung down from the top of the world tree far above them. And the city of Asgard stood on a large grand rocky mountain, and its white stone buildings all went up and around the mountain in a spiral. A great big chasm with a deep blue sea lapping up against sharp cliffs and rocks down below. Around the outer edges of the chasm was a great expanse of land. One side was bright with vibrant green trees. The other was barren as a desert. Coasting down the rainbow arch towards the white massive outer walls that circled the whole massive city, Aurora started to feel more feverish and unwell. Leaning her head against Deacon’s shoulder, she closed her eyes. Deacon feeling the heat rolling off of her small frame, felt alarmed.
“Hey, guys, I think we have a problem. She is starting to feel feverish, which is a sign that her first shift is coming in the next day or less.” Said Deacon into the telepathic link.
“I don’t know what the protocol is for when she shifts. We will have to go talk to the Vola after we get her set up at the palace.” Said Eli. Everyone nodded their agreement.
“Why don’t you ask Loki nicely maybe he will tell you what they normally do to help her during her shift. After all, the bird has gone through over forty lifetimes with her.” Said Deacon. Figuring he had a point, the bird was as older than dirt, Teagan turned to Loki and whispered.
“What did they do in the past to help Aurora when she had her first shift?” Loki blinked his beady little eyes at him and serious for the first time whispered back.
“She once decimated cities because of her magic being so unpredictable during her first shift, so in her last lifetime, they built a special chamber to contain her powers during her first shift in every new reincarnation.”
“Thanks, Loki, we care about her and want to keep her safe,” Teagan whispered back. “That’s what you said in your last lifetime too.” Mocked Loki as he now glared at Teagan, trying to start a fight. Deciding not to take the bait, Teagan reached out telepathically to his brothers.
“Hey, guys, so Loki says that she once decimated cities because her magic was so unpredictable during her first shift, so they built a special chamber to contain her powers during her first shift.”
“Okay, so we take her to the palace and let her get cleaned and washed up while we go see the Vola. I don’t know about you guys, but I have some questions about us being her mates.” Said Deacon into their link.
“Yeah, I sure do. Loki talked as if I had been with her in a past life. So, if the legends are true, then we are reincarnated in each lifetime along with Aurora.” Stated Teagan.
The roller coaster was on its last leg of the journey and about to come to a stop soon. They passed through a big arch stone doorway, and on either side was a guard with long spears in their hands engraved with designs and silver spikes around the blade. The guards stood at attention dressed in light blue linen trousers, cream tunics with dragons embroidered around the necks. A riveted chain mail vest over the top. A Wooden shield with metal fittings held in their left hands and a spear in their right hands. The coaster came to a stop, and the belt of essence receded into the runes on the back of the seats. Everyone got out of the roller coaster onto the stone platform. The guards nodded at the guys with respect. Feeling hot, gritty with dirt and disgusting Aurora wanted a shower, and lots of water to drink and a bed to sleep in. Exhausted, she leaned into Deacon as they walked into the city as a group. It looked like it was early morning here as people walked here and there across the cobblestones.
“Welcome to Asgard, the city streets up the mountain. The middle of the mountain halfway up in the courtyard and Asgard Academy and at the top is the palace.” Looking to the top of the mountain, Aurora squinted her eyes, trying to see clearly. Loki flew to her shoulder. Once he got his footing, he looked at Deacon and said.
“Hey, get me some fuckin’ fish. I’m hungry. If I don’t get some fish, I’m going to start molting here! It won’t be pretty!” Aurora looked at the raven and replied before Deacon could.
“If you’re my familiar, you better learn some manners, how about you say please?” Replied Aurora firmly. Loki looked at her then back at Deacon.
“Please get me some fuckin’ fish!” Turning to Aurora, he asked. “Is that better?” Aurora just frowned, and a bit perplexed said. “Slightly.”
“I don’t see anything up there at the very top.” Said Aurora as Deacon smiled.
“No, you can’t see it; no one can unless they are in it. It was spelled and hidden centuries ago to protect you and any of your family. Only those your parents the Gods trusted were given the information to access it.” Aurora glanced at him sharply.
“What! So, my parents are Gods? That like what makes me a Flippin God or Goddess?” Questioned Aurora in shock. As she glanced at all the guy’s they nodded their heads in answer. Wow. A little blown away, she glanced around, taking it all in. There was what looked like a market up ahead. They had jewelry, knives, pottery, animals in cages, and blankets for sale. Some people wore colorful plain tunics and trousers milled about; some wore linen dresses with aprons secured with belts. Others wore normal jeans and t-shirts or hoodies. Children played with a ball kicking it around to the side of the street. A few women in dresses walked by holding baskets in the crook of their arms with bread that smelled heavenly. Aurora’s stomach decided to growl, making itself known. The sound of feet shuffling and voices chattering all at once was chaotic. They moved as a group as they pushed through the crowds, the guys surrounded her protectively. Aurora looked past their large bodies to glimpse this new world. She saw cages of animals. In one cage, in particular, sat a tiger cub that stared at her intently. It mewled and raised its tiny plump paw to paw at the bars of its cage. She couldn’t fight the deep urge to run towards that tiny tiger.
The connection was akin to Deja vu as if Aurora had known this little soul in a past life. Quickly dashing out from between the guys who surrounded her, she ran to the cage on the ground and fell to her knees. Loki fluttered from her shoulder onto the top of the cage. “Tigress doesn’t belong in a cage.” Parroted Loki three times as he hopped up and down on it. Playfully sticking her finger through the cage, the tiger cub pawed at her fingers playfully. The guys surprised at her swift movement ran over to stand ar
ound her protectively once again. Looking up at them with pleading in her eyes, she asked.
“I can’t let her stay in this cage its crewel and horrible. Please help me take her with us?” Aurora couldn’t help but plead for this tiny tiger. She was a firm believer that no animal deserved to spend any part of its life stuck in a cage looking through bars. It was cruel and unjust to keep any animal, especially a majestic tiger cub in behind bars.
“If we take her, we will have to pay the merchant for her, and I probably don’t have enough coin on me.” Replied, Deacon frowning. But seeing Aurora crossing her arms and sitting on the ground next to the cage stubbornly. He sighed and gave in said.
“Okay, let me go talk to the merchant; maybe he can charge the palace for the animal.” Aurora’s face lit up with a bright smile. Aurora watched as Deacon talked to the merchant in a different language; they seemed to be arguing or bartering. The merchant who stood almost as tall as Deacon had long brown hair pulled back and a large beard. He wore a red tunic and brown linen pants, a leather belt finely engraved with a design around his waist. Deacon gestured towards Aurora, and the merchant’s eyes went wide in surprise. He turned towards her and bowed deeply with his left hand tucked in towards his body.