The Prophecy Read online

Page 5

  “Yeah, looks like we are too late though, let’s do what we can to protect her. Avoid using your powers around the humans, lets step in and level the playing field a bit.” In agreement, they all as one stepped forward and glared at Kevin’s two friends that had stood threateningly behind him. His friends bolted when they saw four extremely muscular tall guys step out and glare at them in a fuck off, or I will tear you apart way. The sound of their retreat as they scurried down the hall echoed in the now nearly silent hall as everyone listened and watched the scene unfold before them.

  To Aurora’s surprise, the four-good looking, incredibly tall guys stepped out from the crowd and threatened Kevin’s lackeys to step down. They cowered and left in such a hurry that it was almost comical. Focusing back on Kevin, who loomed over her threateningly, she forced herself not to flinch. Having enough of being laughed at, Kevin drew back his arm and went to throw his fist at Aurora. Instinct took over as she placed her feet shoulders width apart and brought her hands up to block his blow. Too late, she realized her hands were glowing white again! His fist smashed into her hands that held firm blocking his blow as his force slid her across the hall floor as only a linebacker could do. Loki extended his wings to balance, staying locked to her shoulder, squawking loudly. Suddenly her power decided to zap him electrically. Thousands of white lightning bolts flew out of her hands. Jagged lines of light forked outward covering the jerk like a spider web would entrap a bug. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, twitching on the floor.

  Aurora shocked stepped back away from him, her electric energy retreating from his body, returning to crackle in the air around her body like a static charge. Internally Aurora thought what the fuck! Part shocked and part disgusted with herself and appalled at what her crazy hands had done, and she stood stalk still. Students gasped, and a few screamed accusing Aurora of killing the jerk. He clearly still breathed as he lay on the cold hallway floor, his plaid shirt askew. Shock and fear wafted off Aurora as she stood there her long blue hair almost had a life of its own as it twisted to and fro in the air like snakes atop her head. Green eyes wide and hands still aglow with lightning bolt electricity visibly crackling around her body. Panicking, she shook her hands, willing them to stop. Her panic and terror level went through the roof when she dared look at everyone who stared at her with disgust, fear, and shock.

  The good-looking guys she had spotted earlier stepped out in a circle around her. Panic shot through the roof! Totally, expecting these tall, good-looking guys, she had moments ago been ogling to attack her; after all, she could see everyone in the hallway now thought her to be a freak. The one with midnight black hair and deep green eyes looked deeply into her eyes and said

  “Relax my names Deacon, and this here is Eli, Karis, and Teagan. We will protect you, but you’re going to have to trust us, okay.” Shocked and surprised that these guys would protect her after what they just saw her do, Aurora couldn’t wrap her head around it all. The other guys smiled at her, nodding. Aurora, not knowing what else to do, nodded.

  “Plan B, guys. Teagan, I need you to stay and erase memories than catch up to us. Everywhere else, it’s time to go.” Ordered Deacon in a no-nonsense way.

  “I see you met the raven; his name is Loki.” Said Teagan smiling as he fought the urge to disobey the order Deacon had given, to stay behind. His dragon was fighting to get loose; it wanted to protect Aurora and was sniffing Aurora’s sent. It took extra effort to get his dragon to settle down as he told his other inner half they would be with Aurora as soon as they erased minds to protect her. The dragon complied because if erasing minds would keep her safe, it appeased his fiery half.

  Aurora still shocked forced her feet to move as the guys ushered her out the school doors at a fast walk.

  “Wait, what do you mean erase their memories? Is that even possible?” questioned Aurora in a wide-eyed manner. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The tallest guy of the bunch with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes that had the most mesmerizing specks of purple she had ever seen, stepped forward beside her. Her mind was so muddled she couldn’t be sure, but she thought his name was Karis.

  “Well, you shoot lightning out of your hands, so you tell me.” Said Karis teasingly as he smiled at her warmly. Not knowing what to say to this giant of a guy and feeling tongue-tied, she silently as if on autopilot followed the guys down the road. The raven still balanced on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek from time to time. The guys protectively surrounded her, one walked in front, one behind and one the roadside of her. Boxed in, she had to speed walk to keep up with their long strides. Suddenly Teagan materialized beside her too. Jumping, she squealed in alarm, sending Loki, the raven into the air.

  “Holy shit! Where the heck did you come from.? How did you.? You weren’t there a moment ago!” Babbled Aurora in shock. Teagan looking sheepish smiled and said.

  “It’s okay where we come from teleporting is normal. I forgot you wouldn’t be familiar with teleportation since humans can’t teleport, right?” Overwhelmed with way too much information to try to process, Aurora stopped walking and plunked her butt on the pavement throwing her head into her hands. Oh my gosh, I think I might be having a complete mental breakdown, she thought. The guys stood around her, looking at her, then looking at each other. Loki swooped back down beside her and strolled over, cawing crankily at the guys, then he fluttered his wings and hopped into Aurora’s lap, and proceeded to climb her until he was back on his preferred shoulder.

  “Sorry, Loki, I didn’t mean to scare her.” Said Teagan as he reached out to pet the bird. Loki, not the forgiving type, nipped at his finger. The message received Teagan looked back towards his brothers. It was a bit unnerving though Aurora as she lifted her head to look at them. They stood there in silence, staring at her and each other.

  “Deacon, what do we do? Telling her more is just going to overwhelm her further.” Teagan said, speaking through their telepathic link.

  “Well, you popping in out of thin air didn’t help genius. Look what you did, you upset Aurora.” Said Karis snidely.

  “Sorry, I guess I should tell you all that my dragon is acting very possessive and protective of her. That’s something that’s never happened before. He wouldn’t let me run here he pushed to the surface and teleported me here. I haven’t been out of control of my dragon since I was ten guys.” Said Teagan.

  “Guys enough! Okay, clearly, something more is going on. Even I feel protective of her.” Said Deacon.

  “She will have to know the truth sometime, and now is as good as any time. It’s not like we can take her with us and not explain a few things first. I mean, unless anyone prefers to pick her up screaming and kidnap her, which I, for one, would prefer not to have her hate my guts for weeks.” Everyone remained silent through their link thinking. Deacon making the decision crouched down beside Aurora. Teagan moved closer to Aurora, sitting down beside her placing a hand on her back comfortingly. Loki glared at him with his beady little eye. The contact seemed to comfort his dragon.

  “I hurt that guy, my hands they electrocuted him! I didn’t mean too. It just happened.” Gushed Aurora as tears started trailing a path down her cheeks. Loki forgetting his grudge against Teagan, crawled up under her hair, nuzzling her cheek and quietly making little soothing noises.

  “I know this may be hard to grasp, but you are not human. What you did to that guy was instinct, a natural response to protect yourself. Your mother had a similar gift with lyn bolts. You were born in a place called Asgard, and your mother brought you to Midgard to keep you safe.” Said Deacon from her left side. Aurora stared at him and asked.

  “Midgard?” Nodding Deacon continued as the other three guys stood around awkwardly, holding their breath scared, she might break or run away with the news.

  “Yes, Midgard is what our people call earth. And its where we will take you now since here is no longer safe for you.” Aurora stared at Deacon hard and glanced at the others, drying her eyes on the back of her coat sl

  “Wow, you're actually serious? What do you mean I’m not safe any longer here? So, you guys are like another race or aliens?” Karis kneeled in front of her and said

  “You are not safe because your powers are starting to manifest, and there are sects of demons and giants that can pinpoint your location when you use your powers. What you did was instinct, horrible, yes, but you defended yourself.” He briefly stopped and lifted her chin, so she directly looked into his hazel purple eyes then continued.

  “Never be sorry for protecting yourself or those you love. Where you come from, we fight fiercely to protect our own. No shame. Understand?” Gulping in the air, she nodded her head, and he continued.

  “No, we are not aliens. We all are including yourself, descendants of the old Norse Gods, and we live in Asgard, which is another realm separate from the earth.” Aurora teetered on the edge of a complete breakdown; these guys must be crazy. But my hands did electrocute that guy, so maybe I’m the crazy one thought Aurora.

  The bridge heading over the river and out of town was just up ahead, by less than a block from where she sat on the sidewalk. Barking from multiple dogs down the road and car alarms sounded in the air. Aurora looked on a little perplexed as a neighborhood calico orange tabby ran by hissing and its hair sticking up in all directions. Suddenly the ground started to shake, dirt, and pebbles on the pavement started bouncing off the pavement as if they were on a trampoline.

  “What the heck! Is that an earthquake?” stammered Aurora.

  “Nope, that’s a giant! Stand up and stay here behind us now!” said Deacon in a serious tone.

  “Giants don’t exist stop this shit...” Aurora stopped, and her mouth hung open in shock. A humongous ugly twenty feet tall giant that had tan skin, scraggly blond hair, one cyclops eye and wore odd green shorts and nothing else other then what looked like the biggest pair of sandals she had ever seen in her life, strode towards them. Deacon grabbing her hand, urged her to run as they made their way closer to the bridge. They stopped just thirty feet or so before the bridge that overlooked the river. The guys all moved to stand in front of her. Wanting a better look, she stepped out around them, trying to process what her eyes were seeing — looking past them toward the giant who held a large club with huge spikes on it like one would hold a baseball bat. She breathed hard, gasping for air.

  “Oh my god, he’s a freaking giant! Frig I can’t seem to catch my breath, I guess I need to work on my cardio.” Said Aurora shakily as Deacon snagged her arm, attempting to pull her behind him. Unable to help but stare as the giant strode towards them. Gawking, frozen with fear, unable to get her feet to move as she watched its stride. Each footstep was the length of six cars, and the cars parked on the side of the road bounced literally in the air for a second landing again with a thump every time it took a step. Loki paced up and down her shoulder, cawing at her. Demanding her legs move, she snapped out of her shock. Deciding not to refute it any longer, she scurried behind the guys shaking in fear. Deacon looked behind him at Aurora and patted her arm and said.

  “No matter what happens, please stay with me, we are in control of ourselves, so you do not need to fear us.”

  With that, he turned around, and all hell broke loose. Bones cracked echoing in the air along with grunts of pain as Eli shifted into a humongous black wolf that had a white star on its head. Deacon took two big axes from his back sheaths he must have had hidden with magic, and big black wings swooshed out as he raised the axes at the ready. Karis already crazy tall grew sprouting fast to seventeen feet tall and bulked out twice his size as he held a sword that lit up with flame in his hands. Teagan, in a blink of an eye, turned into a big red dragon with scales and what silver armor. He stepped toward the giant shaking the ground while puffing out tiny wisps of flame through his nose as he roared at the giant showing off his big teeth. His dragon turned to check and make sure Aurora was okay, locking eyes with her for a moment then looked to his brothers. Loki took that moment to fly off into the sky. Aurora glanced up and yelled.

  “Where is he going! Loki, get back here!” Deacon laughed and said

  “Don’t take it personally, that bird is ancient and has a knack for mischief. He will be back when he is ready.” Turning his attention back to his brothers, he stood still and silent. Telepathically linked even in their shifted forms, they could communicate tactics.

  “Teagan, Karis, and Eli, if you guys surround him, I will protect Aurora.” Said Deacon through their link.

  “Sounds good, let’s kick some giant ass!” projected Eli.

  “I’ll fry his ass if you attack his feet, Eli.” Said Teagan a little too happily, as he grinned in dragon form unnervingly. As he moved towards his target, he felt a burning sensation, and his inner dragon half-whispered to him.

  “Protect our mate. His dragon growled.” His human half was shocked at what his dragon had just revealed, but he had no time to consider it further as an overwhelming fury overcame him. A deep need to protect what was his. How dare this giant threatens his mate! He ran forward and swooped into the air flying on the wind currents, up and around the giant’s head as he shot fireballs at the bastard’s head. The giant brought his big spiky club up, swinging it at him. Dodging the blows, he smoothly moved to and fro in the air and giving his brothers a chance to attack the giant’s lower portion. Eli ran for the giant’s toes biting the nails off one at a time until none were left and spitting the disgusting things out to the side.

  “Seriously, that was the single most revolting thing I’ve ever done. I need mouth wash!” yelled Eli telepathically into the bond.

  “What giant toe jam isn’t to your liking?” Karis laughed teasingly into the bond. Loki, deciding to return, swooped around the giant’s head, being careful to avoid Teagan’s dragon fire. Cawing like a mad crazy bird, he hovered above the giant’s head.

  “What is that bird doing now? Stupid Loki! Get him out of there one of you!” yelled Deacon through the bond. Loki took that moment to shit on the giant’s head and pull out one of his hair strands. Done, he flew away back towards Aurora.

  “That bird has balls bigger than all of us combined!” exclaimed Eli as his wolf sat with his tongue hanging out his mouth, panting. He smiled at the bird’s ballsy move. Deacon chuckled to himself on the sidelines as he listened to their battle banter. Teagan swooped in and lit the giant’s hair aflame, breathing fire all over his head. The giant screamed, using one hand to reach for his head to protect it, dropping the club to the ground. Bending at the waist, it shrieked and swung his other hand to reached down to try to slap Eli’s wolf, missing him by only a few inches. Taking the chance, the giant fell to one knee and grabbed his fallen club. He stood quickly and stomped, trying to squash Eli, who darted in and out around the giant’s big feet. This distraction gave Karis the chance that he had been waiting for. Karis felt a burning on his wrist as he ran forward and slammed into the giant with a resounding Thud that echoed like two concrete slabs slamming against each other — throwing all his weight into the giant, causing him to drop his club and fall backward. He dropped, cracking the pavement with a loud crack that sounded like thunder. Cars flew into the air and landed with a crash in yards breaking everything in their way. Teagan swooped in and raked his huge talons across the giant’s cyclops eye, yanking it out letting it soar through the air and land where it may. As he flew into the air again in one smooth motion, headed back towards the sky. Aurora watched the battle in part amazement from behind Deacon, who had wings! Like real black wings! Surprisingly she felt safe and was pleasantly surprised that her hands had not decided to become mini stun guns. Curious and feeling drawn to the man or whatever he was standing in front of her, she had an overwhelming urge to reach out. She knew it wasn’t the proper time for such things, but he had said she had nothing to fear from them. Not being able to help herself, she reached out and ran her hands down his left-wing. Deacon shivered at her touch, feeling burning on his wrist; his wings were very sensitive to touch. L
ooking over his shoulder, he smiled at her briefly than faced forward at the ready in case anything got through his brothers.

  “What are you?” asked Aurora as she bit her bottom lip. Deacon glanced at her sideways and replied.

  “I’m a Valkyrie.” Aurora starring at him responded.

  “Aren’t Valkyrie’s only women?” Deacon grinned while keeping one eye on the fight in progress.

  “The human world thinks Valkyrie’s are only women, but we are a whole race of god blessed warriors.”

  Aurora trying to process all this information peaked around him again in awe of these guys that had taken to protect her. They were amazing and scary at the same time. They moved instinctively with each other, almost as if they were telling each other what to do and coordinating. The giant whacked Karis, sending him flying until he landed twenty feet away. Now blindly functioning by smell, the giant turned his ugly face dripping with blood and sniffed the air, turning his head towards Aurora’s direction. The earth groaned and rocked as Karis landed skidding through the dirt, cement, and grass as easily as if it was snow, uprooting everything in his path until he came to a stop. Karis feeling burning on his wrist and realizing what it meant looked in horror at the giant-headed towards Aurora. The giant taking its opening swung its free hand out, reaching for Aurora where she stood. Deacon spread his wings and swung his axes both down at the same time, chopping the giant's finger off. The giant screamed in pain and rage. Deacon landed again beside her, pushing her behind him while backing them both up closer towards the bridge. She watched on from under his wing, equal parts intrigued and scared. Just then, Karis turned around and started running towards the giant. Slamming his big fists into the giants face the smack of flesh against flesh sounding in the air. Pissed that the giant got through his defenses, he jumped up onto the giant’s legs, running across his body. Running across his expanse, Karis headed towards the giant’s big head that sizzled with flame. Lifting his sword with his other arm swinging muscles bulging with the effort, he yelled as he brought the sword down in the biggest arch imaginable, slitting the giant's throat. Blood gushed and spurted like a river trailing down the giant, onto the pavement, and into the nearby river. The coppery tang of blood could be smelt in the air. Cringing at sight, Aurora hid her head in Deacon's wings. Turning Deacon encased her in a hug.